Sunday, December 10, 2017

December 10, 2017
Looking back on the highlights of the semester, S.J.S.U.'s Spartan 600 archery competition was a great way to start the 2017-18 archery season, sprouting from a rather sad event.

On October 1st, 2017 the S.J.S.U.'s archery team reported that all of their archery gear was stolen from their supply shed.  Despite the setback, the team was able to gather enough donations to replace the lost gear and more in only a few days!  To celebrate, they hosted their very first event ever, the Spartan 600 shoot, and invited their fellow college archery teams to compete in one of the first events of the season.  U.C. Merced went to show our support and came back with a decent sized case full of awards!  

Congratulations to our winning archers, many of them brand new, and good luck to S.J.S.U.'s archery team!

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