2019-20 U.C.M.A.T. Constitution

University of California, Merced 
UC Merced Archery Club Sports 
2019-2020 Constitution 

Article 1 : The University of California Merced Archery Club Sports 
Section 1 : Name 
We, the UC Merced Archery Club Sports, are affiliated with the University of California, Merced, Recreation and Athletics Department (RAD). The team will be known as the UC Merced Archery Team (UCMAT). 
Section 2: Statement of Purpose 
The purpose of the collegiate archery team is to represent the University of California, Merced in competitive local, state, regional, and national archery tournaments and competitions. This competitive club has been established to promote and develop skills in archery. The UC Merced Archery Team will coach and provide a place for anyone ranging from interested to experienced in archery. We will also provide knowledge of archery in the Central Valley as one of the few prominent archery teams in the Central Valley. 
Article 2 : Membership 
Section 1 : Eligibility 
Membership in the UC Merced Archery Team is open to all UC Merced students, faculty and staff. Anyone interested in joining the team must meet any requirements set forth by RAD and UCMAT. 
Section 2 : Membership Qualifications and Requirements 
To be qualified for membership in the UC Merced Archery Team, depending on your affiliation with the University of California, Merced, you are required to have the following: 
Membership Qualifications 
            Must be currently enrolled at the University of California, Merced 
Must fulfill a minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA requirement, as outlined by RAD 
Must have completed and submitted all necessary club paperwork on file in RAD 
Must have fulfilled all payment dues

Faculty and Staff 
Must be currently a faculty or staff member at the University of California, Merced 
Must have completed and submitted all necessary club paperwork on file in RAD 
Must have fulfilled all payment dues 
Membership Requirements 
Participate in practices, selected competitions, meetings, and social events. 
Help fundraise in at least 1 UCMAT fundraising events per semester 
Help volunteer in at least 2 UCMAT volunteering event per semester 
Have an active USAA membership if competing in tournaments hosted by USA Archery. 

Section 3 : Tryouts 
For individuals interested in being part of the UC Merced Archery Team, they will need to participate in the tryouts held in the early Fall semester. 
If an individual is interested in joining the UC Merced Archery Team and has not attended tryouts held in the early Fall semester, they must receive approval by the President of UCMAT to join the team. The individual must sign the same paperwork as the ones who participated in the tryouts in the early Fall. 
The following is the try-out format: 
1. Pre Tryout 
a. Once the tryout days have been predetermined in a Board Meeting, the PR Officer will 
    announce the try-out days in email and various social media outlets. 
b. The Captain and President (or any Administrative Officer available in place of 
President) will be in-charge of hosting the Tryout Days.
2. Tryout 
a. Individuals must sign a waiver and turn it in to the present Administrative Officer at the 
           tryout day attended.
  b. The Captain will teach safety rules, range rules, and how to shoot to participants who 
                 attend tryout days. Instructors volunteering can assist individuals while they are 
3. Post Tryout 
a. Captain and the present Administrative Officer must return all equipment back to the 
    shed at the end of the Tryout. This needs to be reported to the Equipment Manager when
    cleanup is complete. b. All paperwork from the Tryout must be viewed by the PR Officer
    to add them to the interested email list. 
Section 4 : Attendance 
Recreational Members:
  • No attendance requirement, but must participate in 1 community service event per semester
Competitive Members:
  • 70% attendance requirement, must also participate in 1 community service event per semester

Section 5 : Conduct 
Once the individual is part of the UC Merced Archery Team, they must know the safety procedures of archery before participating fully in archery. All members of UCMAT must comply with practice and range rules as stated by the overseeing officer. If one were to not comply with practice and range rules, this may result in immediate dismissal of participation in event and/or club. Additionally, all members should comply with rules as stated by RAD and UC Merced. 
Section 6 : Withdrawal/Removal of Members 
If a member were to go against the Constitution and the other reasons below*, they are allowed three chances before being dismissed from UCMAT. The following state the three penalties that will be taken when a member goes against the Constitution: 
1st strike: Member will be given a warning by an officer. 2nd strike: Member shall meet with the officer’s board after 2nd strike is issued 3rd strike: Member will be put up for 2 week probation and if member cannot behave then they shall be dismissed from the club and/or team 
Depending on the severity of the situation, the officers choose the consequences that are best fitted for the member. 
*Other reasons for the three penalties/strikes is: 
Misrepresentation of the Archery Team and the RAD 
Misconduct on the range or at practice 
Failure to complete membership requirements 
Abuse of role and/or hostility towards other officers or members 
Article 3 : Finances 
Section 1 : 
If one wants to be an active member of UCMAT, they are required to pay the full-year due payment of $175. This will be applicable for the full year and allows the newly accounted member to have range access, coaching from the officers, access to RAD equipment for practices.
The potential member must pay their dues before their first practice.
Section 2 : Fundraising 
UCMAT is required to participate in fundraising events sponsored by RAD and all members participating must wear their uniform. If additional fundraising events take place, it must be pre-approved by the RAD Director or Assistant Director prior to implementation. 
Article 4 : Elected and Appointed Officers 
Section 1 : Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers 
The roles listed here have voting privileges regarding what goes internally and externally for the UCMAT. Depending on the role, executive members may have a subdivision officer that they work with; these subdivision officers are considered subdivision due to needing clearance from their respective executive member. 
Part 1 : President 
The President’s role is to oversee all meetings, be the voice of the officers and the team, sets agenda for meetings, and sets/designs the practice schedule with the Captain. 
Part 2 : Vice-President 
The Vice-President’s role is to fulfill the President role when the President is absent, be the representative at all RAD meetings, work with the Treasurer and Secretary for additional revenue (grants, fundraisers, donations, etc), and plan the travel itinerary for competitions and other events. 
Part 3 : Secretary 
The Secretary’s role is to be the keeper of meetings’ minutes, ensure that all necessary paperwork is updated and submitted on time, keep record of all team activities and meetings, hold all member contact information, keep track of who attends practices, work with the President and Vice President to update the Constitution when needed, work with the Vice President and Treasurer for additional revenue (grants, fundraisers, donations, etc), and work with the Public Relations Officer to host community service opportunities and social events. 
Part 4 : Treasurer 
The Treasurer’s role is to collect and keep track of all revenue transactions, record each individual due payment, ensure that the account balance will never go below $250, work with the other officers to develop the annual budget, collect, record, and deposit all dues, submit all team’s check request to RAD for approval, plan/organize fundraisers, apply for grants, and will keep the official paperwork regarding fundraisers. 
Part 5 : Public Relations Officer 
The Public Relations Officer’s role is to oversee any social media outlets to promote the team, be in charge of hosting social events for the team outside of practice, assist the Treasurer with team-related fundraising events, assist the Secretary to find community service for RAD requirement, and be the webmaster for the team’s personal website. 
Part 6 : Equipment Manager 
The Equipment Manager's role is to  keep track of team equipment owned by RAD, maintain the RAD archery equipment (such as checking for broken arrows/limbs, repair arrows, wax bow strings, etc), report to the Treasurer if any RAD archery equipment needs to be purchased or replaced, and complete monthly inventory and organization of the shed. After each official RAD practice, they will check in the equipment returned. If equipment is lost, please refer to Article 8. With the President and Safety Officer they must also check on the field’s condition for safe shooting conditions. This includes filed condition as well as weather reports.
Section 2: Duties and Responsibilities of Appointed Officers 
The roles listed here do not have voting privileges regarding what goes internally and externally for the UCMAT but still have a voice in discussion during Board Meetings. 
Part 1: Captain 
The Captain’s role is to oversee the majority of practices, work with the President to design the practice schedule, and work with Instructors to organize practices in accordance to the set practice schedule, go over safety equipment with the new archers, oversee the shooting line and teach new archers how to keep score. Anyone can be the Captain including Elected Officers as long as they meet the requirements. 
Part 2 : Instructors 
In the first few days of practice, Instructors are required to go over safety and safety equipment with the new archers. In each practice, they will oversee the starting line and teach archers how to keep score. They will also work with the Equipment Manager(s) to teach new archers about equipment. depending on the number of UCMAT members. 
Anyone can be an Instructor including Elected Officers as long as they meet the requirements.

Part 3: Safety Officer
The monitoring of archery field for any activity that endangers the archers or onlookers. Safety Officer is also responsible to report any injuries or incidents that occur on the field or at events to an Elected Officer. Knowledge of First Aid and CPR is also required.
Section 3: Duties and Responsibilities of All UCMAT Officers 
Part 1 : Obligations 
All officers of the UC Merced Archery Team hold the obligation to represent UCMAT in official functions and casual outings. They are also required to hold meetings at least twice a month to discuss direction of the team and other team matters. 
These individuals are nominated by the team and then are  voted by archery team members to become officers. 
Part 2 : Meetings 
The President hosts meetings at least twice a month. The president will make and send out an agenda a day prior. If the President is unable to make a meeting, the Vice President will be in charge of the next meeting. 
Meetings require all Board officers to attend. When an officer needs to be absent from a meeting, the officer must report to the President ASAP before the meeting is to begin. If the President has to miss the meeting, he/she must inform the VP ASAP before the meeting is to begin.
Part 3 : Voting 
When voting is required in a Board meeting, all Elected Officers must attend in order to participate in the voting process. This voting process is not applicable to voting in a new officer. 
The voting procedure consists of a few steps: 
1. Vote Proposal in Agenda 
a. The vote proposal will be present in the agenda. 
2. Q&A for Voting Proposal 
a. Once the agenda with the vote proposal is sent, all officers can ask the President 
about what they need to know for the specific topic. 
3. Voting in Board Meeting 
a. When the President begins the voting session, this officer will explain the Vote 
Proposal first. There will be no late Q&As during the voting session 
4. Results 
  1. All votes are taken by a verbal aye/nay/ abstain vote..
b. When the Results is announced after the meeting, the PR Officer will email all 
officers and members of the minutes of that meeting. Depending on the Vote Proposal, the Results can be held confidential if agreed by the Board. 
Part 4: Internship and Shadow Program 
The Internship Program allows members who are interested of being a part of the Archery Board gain experience by participating in discussion during Board Meetings and other Board Events. 
The Shadow Program allows members who have been elected into office partake in Board meetings and other Board Events, meet with their respective current elected officer at least once before taking over the position, and have a voice in matters being discussed during Board Meetings. 
Part A: Internship 
Interns are individuals who assist the Elected officers when needed. These individuals assist in various tasks and small projects assigned by any Elected Officer. They are able to give their input in Board Meetings, but cannot vote. 
Part B: Process for Intern Position 
To be a part of the internship position, they must 
be a member of UCMAT 
show interest in becoming an elected officer in the future 
Assist with tasks assigned by elected officers 
Part C: Shadow Program 
Shadowers are individuals voted in to a position for the following year who are observing the current position holder’s job and observing how the current UCMAT board operates. Shadowers are able to participate in Board Meetings to observe and put in their input. However, they are unable to vote until the following year. The Shadower position is obtained when the individual goes through the voting process to be the next officer of the following year. 
Part 5: Constitution Amendment 
If the Constitution needs to be amended, the Officer must request an amendment discussion be placed on the next Officer Meeting Agenda. Once it is part of the agenda, the Board must vote whether or not it needs to be amended. If the verdict is that it needs amendment, the Board will work together to amend it. Amendments must meet a 2/3rd majority to be ratified.
Section 4: Nomination and Election Process 
Elections for the following year's officers shall take place in the week before Spring Break in March. If current elected board members want to continue in their respective positions, they must get reelected. 
The procedure for electing new officers will be in this order: 
1. Nomination 
a. All members of UCMAT can nominate any member (including themselves) to be voted 
in as a potential officer. 2. Voting 
a. The nominees will be considered according to the following qualifications: 
i. Has good standing with UC Merced based on GPA 
ii. Has good standing with UCMAT (and the REC Department if the individual is a 
current officer) 
iii. Presents dedication and commitment to UCMAT – Examples: attends practice, 
goes to tournaments/fundraisers, helps with events, fulfills role as a UCMAT member 
iv. Documented leadership experience in other clubs and organizations 
3. Special Circumstances 
a. In the case of no individuals qualified for a position, the Board Officers can decide 
between those individuals based on how much of the qualifications they have fulfilled.
 b. For the President Position, If spot is open at any time during the year, Vice President 
will take over the role of President and will proceed to nominate a new Vice-President. 
Filling Vacant Officer Positions, refer to Section 5 
Newly elected officers shall then meet with current officers for a shadowing program. 
Section 4.5: Requirements for Each Position For each position below, there are requirements that must be followed to obtain these positions along with the base membership requirements: 
Part 1 : President 
Individual must have: 
Been voted in by the current officers after nominated by the team/self-nomination. 
At least 1 year of active leadership position in the UCMAT 
At least 2 year of active membership in the UCMAT. 
Taken part in the Internship Program 
Competed in at least one official Tournament 
Has knowledge of archery outside of UCMAT 
Experience in a President role in clubs in the past 
Part 2 : Vice-President 
Individual must have: 
Been voted in by the current officers after nominated by the team/self-nomination. 
At least 1 year of active leadership position in the UCMAT 
At least 2 year of active membership in the UCMAT. 
Taken part in the Internship Program 
Comped in at least one official tournament
Has knowledge of archery outside of UCMAT 
Experience in a Vice President role in clubs in the past 
Part 3: Secretary 
Individual must have: 
Been voted in by the current officers after nominated by the team/self-nomination. 
At least 1 year of active membership in the UCMAT. 
Taken part in the Internship Program 
Competed in at least one official Tournament
Experience in a Secretary role in clubs in the past 
Part 4 : Treasurer 
Individual must have: 
Been voted in by the current officers after nominated by the team/self-nomination. 
At least 1 year of active membership in the UCMAT. 
Taken part in the Internship Program 
Competitive Membership 
Experience in a Treasurer role in clubs in the past 
Part 5 : Public Relations Officer 
Individual must have: 
Been voted in by the current officers after nominated by the team/self-nomination. 
At least 1 year of active membership in the UCMAT. 
Taken part in the Internship Program 
Competitive Membership 
Experience in a Public Relation role in clubs in the past 
Part 6: Equipment Manager(s) 
Individual must have: 
Been voted in by the current officers after nominated by the team/self-nomination. 
At least 1 year of active membership in the UCMAT. 
Taken part in the Internship Program 
Has above-average knowledge on archery equipment 
Part 7: Instructors 
Individual must have: 
Has a Level 2 USAA Certification
Part 8: Captain 
Captains are voted on by the outgoing Officer Board.
Captains do not have any required qualifications; however they must demonstrate leadership in their respective divisions and assist Instructors wherever possible.
Section 5 : Procedures for Filling Vacant Officers 
If an officer drops official status: 
Inform the rest of the officers in writing and Carbon Copy (CC) the Sports Club director. 
Must send a mandatory 2 weeks notice of departure. 
Remaining officers shall allocate temporary duties per officer's' discretion. 
To implement a new officer: 
The President must first announce the need for a new officer through email. 
Active members can nominate themselves or others to be the new officer. 
Nominees will be interviewed by the President or Vice President. 
Voting process will occur in a Board Meeting to vote on who the new officer will be. 
Section 6 : Offense Handbook 
If majority of officers believe that any other officer/regular member is not meeting their duties and fulfilling expectations, or commits hazing, the accused officer/ member shall be faced with one of these consequences: 
Part A : Offense Type 1 
The misdemeanors that apply to Offense 1 are typically first-time minor misdemeanors. The following are examples of Type 1 Misdemeanors but not limited to: 
- Inability to fulfill the Membership Qualifications and Requirements 
- If it is GPA, the officer/member will be on academic probation for the semester. They will be  removed from their position completely if they are unable to improve by the end of the semester. 
- Usage of Team Equipment without Approval from the President or Equipment Manager
- Attending Social Events of UCMAT when on probation with the university or the team.
Removing Officer Rights: 
Officer will be placed on a 14 day Probation. Once in probation, the individual will be excluded from the following but not limited to: 
  • Voting in Board Meetings 
  • Being referred to as an officer 
  • Overseeing practices 
  • Attending tournaments as a UCMAT member. 
  • Attending Social Events hosted by UCMAT 
However, the individual is still allowed to do the following: 
  • Attend Board Meetings and Practices 
Process of Removing or Reinstating an Officer: 
Once accused officer served their probation: 
  • During the Board Meeting, elected officers will meet and decide if the behavior goals that were violated have been improved of the accused officer. 
  •  If elected officers vote that the accused officer has not improved then, the accused officer will be removed from their position. 
If removed through this process, they are not allowed to run for any officer positions in the future. 
Withdrawal from the Position: 
The accused officer may withdraw themselves from their position at anytime within their probation. 
They must tell the President and one other officer in person or by email. 
Removal of officer status will be effective 7 days after submitting their request. 
Removing Member Rights: 
Placed in a 14 day Probation. Once in probation, the individual will be excluded from the following but not limited to: 
o Voting during elections 
o Attending Social Events hosted by UCMAT 
o Attending Tournaments covered by UCMAT 
However, the individual is allowed to do the following: 
o Attend Practice 
Part B : Offense Type 2 
The misdemeanors that apply to Offense 2 are typically minor misdemeanors that have occurred more than once or one major offense. These typically affect the UCMAT Board. The following are examples of Type 2 Misdemeanors but not limited to: 
- Harassing a fellow officer/UCMAT member 
- Invading a fellow officer/UCMAT member’s privacy 
- Prevents members from wanting to attend practice 
- Range Vandalism. This includes taking equipment away from the field during practice, 
purposefully damaging equipment, stealing equipment, littering, etc. 
- Committed Forgery of Information. Examples of this are: Fake Archer’s Email, Fake 
IMLeagues Account of Archers, Forged Signatures. 
- Reducing Transparency of Information between the Board Committee and Active Members of 
- Has told Officers/UCMAT Members to do Misdemeanors; the Officer/UCMAT Member that 
has issued this action will be the one with the Offense. - Unwillingness to Cooperate with Officers 
- Repeated Actions of Offense 1 or 2. 
Process of Removing and Officer: 
The President will notify the accused officer of their offenses and the results of committing those offenses. 
During the Board Meeting, elected officers will meet and determine if the accused officer has committed a Type 2 Offense. 
  • Determining this Offense will be a majority vote by the Elected Officers 
  • Officer will be removed if majority vote is against the accused officer 
If removed through this process, they are not allowed to run for any officer positions in the future. Removing Member Rights: 
Placed in a 30 day Probation. Once in probation, the individual will be excluded from the following but not limited to: 
  • Voting during elections o Attending Social Events hosted by UCMAT o Attending Tournaments covered by UCMAT 
However, the individual is allowed to do the following: 
  • Attend Practice 
The individual may decide to leave UCMAT anytime during their probation or decide to improve during their probation. 
The individual will automatically be banned from UCMAT if they commit another misdemeanor. 
Part C : Offense Type 3 
The misdemeanors that apply to Offense 3 are typically misdemeanors that have occurred often and affect the whole team negatively. The following are examples of Type 3 Misdemeanors but not limited to: 
- Constant Harassment towards UCMAT 
- Repeated Unwillingness to Cooperate with Officers
- Inability to separate personal matters when being an Officer 
- Repeated Actions of Misdemeanors Recorded as Offense 3, 2, or 1. 
- Committed Actions against UC Merced - Harassment and/or Hostility towards the Recreation & Athletics Department 
- Repeated Failure and Unwillingness to commit to Officer duties 
- Repeated Reduction of Transparency of Information between the Board Committee and Active Members of UCMAT 
- Has told Officers/UCMAT Members repeatedly to do Misdemeanors; the Officer/UCMAT Member that has issued this action will be the one with the Offense. 
For Both Officers and Regular Members 
Officer is banned from UCMAT and removed from their officer position. 
Member is banned from UCMAT 
No refunds will be made. 
Part D: Offense Type Identification Process 
The Offense Type Identification Process will begin once the President has been notified of Offenses made by an Officer or Member. The President will host a Board Meeting regarding the Officer or Member and the Board Committee will decide which Offense Type the individual committed. 
Once the Offense Type has been determined, the President will notify the Guilty Individual of the Results. 
Part E : Decision to Leave/Return to UCMAT 
If any UCMAT member decides to leave UCMAT, the individual must report their leaving to the President. The individual must be aware that no refunds will be made when they leave. Once the individual leaves, they cannot attend any events or practices hosted by UCMAT. 
If the individual wants to return to UCMAT, they must pay the member fee again. However, if they have been banned from UCMAT, the individual cannot return to UCMAT ever. 
Article 5 : Coach 
When deciding on a Coach, the Board Committee must vote if they need a Coach. If the Board decides a Coach is needed, they need to vote on who will be Coach. 
Section 1: Duties/Responsibilities of Coach 
The Coach of UCMAT must be able to help UCMAT archers to properly shoot safely either at the archery field or at the Coach’s facilities. They must also be able to attend all tournaments covered by UCMAT to help archers participating in the tournament. 
Section 2 : Coach Implementation 
The topic of having a new Coach must be brought up to the President in order to have a Vote Proposal for Coach. Once a Vote Proposal for Coach has been placed into a meeting agenda, all Officers must be in attendance to vote for a new Coach or not. 
Section 3 : Coach Removal The Coach Removal process will begin once it has been suggested by an officer that it needs to be a Vote Proposal in a meeting agenda. In the meeting, if it has been voted that the Coach shall be removed, the President will send an email report to the REC Department about the Coach Removal. 
Article 6 : Uniforms and Practice 
Section 1 : Uniforms 
All uniforms will be given to each archer if they have paid their team dues and are active members of UCMAT. These uniforms must be worn during tournaments and competitions where we represent the University of California, Merced or any other events deemed mandatory by UCMAT. 
Uniforms will be given out once a year at the end of the fall semester. However, there cannot be any alterations made to the uniforms unless approved by the RAD. 
Section 2 : Duties/Responsibilities of Archers and Officers in Practices 
As a member of UCMAT, all archers must practice their archery skills and attend the RAD Official Practice designed for everyone. 
As an officer of UCMAT, they all must be able to hold a professional stance with one another, advise 
each other as equals, work within the means of the Team and requirements of RAD, and make sure plans for the team are carried out. These individuals are the top representatives of UCMAT and must represent the team appropriately. 
Section 3 : Practice 
Recreational Members:
  • Highly encouraged to attend practice, not mandatory.
Competitive Members:
  • Must attend all practices, or notify an officer if unable to. Must attend 70% of practices to attend competitions.
The practice times will be determined depending on the number of UCMAT members’ schedules sent to the President. 
Section 4: Range Rules 
The officer in charge of the archery field are either the Captain or the Instructor(s) hosting the practice. These officers must ensure that the archers receive short breaks between rounds. 
The officers present at the Range are also able to remove non-UCMAT members off the field for practice. This is due to the field being automatically under the jurisdiction of UCMAT when any officer of UCMAT is present. 
The following are rules at the range: 
1. All UCMAT archers present at the range must follow the present officer at the range. The officer at the range is allowed to remove individuals not part of UCMAT off the range for UCMAT practices. The officer is also allowed to remove UCMAT archers from the field for disrupting practices and reporting it to the Board as an Offense. 
2. All UCMAT archers must wear proper close toed shoes and put on their safety equipment, 
before entering the waiting line.  All UCMAT archers must follow the whistle commands made by the officer present. 
a. Archers are allowed at the waiting line at 2 whistles. 
b. Archers are allowed to shoot at 1 whistle. 
c. Archers can retrieve arrows at 3 whistles. 
d. Archers must stop their activity when there are more than 3 whistles. This states that 
there is an emergency. 
3. All UCMAT archers must retrieve arrows in 3 minutes between rounds. The archers that lost 
arrows will continue to search at the end of practice. 
4. All UCMAT archers must return their club equipment by the end of practice and check in with 
the Equipment Manager before leaving the field. 
Article 7: Competition and Season 
Section 1 : Competitions 
All competitions that are covered by UCMAT must be attended by at least one officer to oversee the members attending the tournament/competition. For travel, UCMAT officers are able to use the RAD vehicles, but can only be used within the duration it is rented out. 
The following tournaments are possible tournaments we may attend during season but not limited to: 
Shoot for the Cure 
California State Indoor Championship 
U.S. National State Indoor Championship 
West Regional Outdoor Collegiate Championship 
U.S. National Outdoor Collegiate Championship 
If a Member were to choose a tournament outside of these options, they must tell the President, Vice-President, Captain or an Instructor which tournament they will be going to. 
Section 2 : Season 
The Competitive Season is the entire academic year from (September – May). However, tournaments covered by the team only occur in the Spring Semester. 
Article 8 : UCMAT and RAD Equipment 
Section 1 : Storage 
The RAD equipment must be stored in the storage shed provided by Recreation and Athletics. The Equipment Manager must take account of all the RAD equipment and check if all equipment has been returned after each practice session. 
Section 1.5 : Personal Equipment 
Archers must comply with school housing regulations regarding the storage of archery equipment on campus. If an on-campus archer’s resident assistant or housing authority declares that personal archery equipment may not be stored in their dorms, the archer must comply to university policy and find other accommodations for their gear. Archers may store personal gear with an off campus archer for storage use at their off-campus housing. 
Section 2 : Use 
The use of RAD archery equipment is only for practice overseen by both a RAD member and a UCMAT officer during practice, for designated events hosted by UCMAT, and competitions where UCMAT allows the use of RAD equipment. 
Section 3 : Lost and Damaged Equipment 
If RAD equipment is lost, it must be reported to any officer. The following officer will organize with the rest of the officers to find the lost equipment. If needed, a police report will be sent if it is not the fault of the archer. If the archer lost the RAD equipment, they are responsible and must pay fully for the lost equipment. 
If the RAD equipment is damaged by the archer using it incorrectly, the archer is responsible for the damages and must pay for the damages either by fixing the equipment or replacing it. 
Article 9: Volunteering and Other Events 
Section 1: Volunteer Requirement 
All official members of UCMAT must attend RAD approved volunteer and community service if their schedule allows. UCMAT is required to attend 2 community service events per semester, dedicated to the local community, environmental or school organization events. For each community/volunteer 
event, 8 members are required to attend. 
Section 2 : Volunteer and Other Event Suggestions 
All members are able to suggest volunteer and other events to the PR Officer,Secretary, and Treasurer through email or in-person contact. 
Article X: Contacts 
Section 1 : Current Officers 
President: Christopher Ingle cingle@ucmerced.edu
(209) 652-8008 
Vice-President: Chiara Ty cty@ucmerced.edu (510) 566-7099
Secretary: Elaine Wei ewei5@ucmerced.edu (415) 509-1599 
Treasurer/ Compound Captain: Junyi Yang 
(209) 278-9910 
Public Relations Officer/ Barebow Captain: Joshua Giammichele
(747) 258-2407
Equipment Manager/ Recurve Captain: Alvin Lau
(415) 969-0978 
Compound Equipment Manager: Jon Sasaki 
(209) 200-5166

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