Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 25, 2017
The last of the U.C.M.A. archers returned home today marking the end to an exciting and thrilling 2017 National (Archery) Outdoors Collegiate Championship!  The event took place at the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Training Center in Chula Vista, C.A., and lasted from 5/19-5/21. This marks the last tournament of the academic year as well as the last tournament for ex-President Ai-Linh Alten.  As for firsts, this is the first N.O.C.C. for almost all our archers, who performed very well throughout the weekend of shooting.  

The excitement began on Friday, 5/19, with the first round of qualifications, followed by Saturday's Mixed Teams event, then concluded by Sunday's final shoot off between the over 400 archers present.  For the entirety of the tournament, the team was assisted by U.C.M.A. Instructor Tim Jeung, who served as coach, driver, and medic for the team for the event. Throughout the weekend, the archers also enjoyed side trips across San Diego, and an award ceremony/banquet for the archers, hosted on the U.S.S. Midway Sunday night.

U.C.M.A. Representatives:
- Alvin L. (Men's Barebow)
- Angel S. (Men's Barebow)
- Chiara T. (Women's Barebow)
- Laura M. (Women's Barebow)
- Pat D. (Women's Recurve)
- Ai-Linh A. (Women's Recurve)
- Josh T. (Men's Recurve)
- Tim J. (Coach)

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